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Initial public offer of 19,634,960* equity shares of face value of (Rs) 2 each ("Equity Shares") of Credo Brands Marketing Limited (the "Company" or "Issuer") for cash at a price of (Rs) 280 per equity share (including a share premium of (Rs) 278 per equity share) (the "Offer Price") aggregating to
(Rs) 549.78* crores ("Offer") comprising an offer for sale of 4,140,000* equity shares aggregating to (Rs) 115.92* crores by Kamal Khushlani and 4,275,000* equity shares aggregating to (Rs) 119.70* crores by Poonam Khushlani (together the "Promoter Selling Shareholders"), 108,000* equity shares aggregating to (Rs) 3.02* crores by Sonakshi Khushlani and 108,000* equity shares aggregating to (Rs) 3.02* crores by Andrew Khushlani (together the "Promoter Group Selling Shareholders"), 2,032,260* equity shares aggregating to (Rs) 56.90* crores by Concept Communication Limited, 5,031,260* equity shares aggregating to (Rs) 140.88* crores by Bela Properties Private Limited, 1,970,220* equity shares aggregating to
(Rs) 55.17* crores by Jay Milan Mehta and 1,970,220* equity shares aggregating to (Rs) 55.17* crores by Sagar Milan Mehta (together the "Other Selling Shareholders" along with the promoter selling shareholders and promoter group selling shareholders is collectively reffered to as the "Selling Shareholders") ("Offer for Sale" and such equity shares, the "Offered Shares"). The offer constitutes 30.54% of the post-offer paid-up equity share capital of the company.
The face value of the equity shares is Rs 2 each and the offer price is 140 times the face value of the equity shares.
*Subject to finalization of the basis of allotment
Opens On
Closes On
Minimum Application for shares in Nos :
Further Multiples of :
Lead Managers to the Issue
Project Cost
DAM Capital Advisors Ltd